Over the past several months, we have worked alongside our African leaders to identify some of the strongholds that keep people in poverty. I will be working with them, on this trip, to begin using a discipleship curriculum that addresses the very mindsets that hold people back from the blessings God has for them.
Changing poverty MUST begin from the inside out if it is to have lasting impact! This is a huge focus for this current trip and, then, we will be back in May to follow up on the progress of the implementation of this new training.
Interestingly, I see some fascinating implications if we, as westerners, are willing to look at our own cultural attitudes toward money and discover, Scripturally, what might be holding us back from fulfilling God’s purpose that we be blessed so that we can be a blessing to others (Gen 12:3). More on that in a moment.
First, I will share with you some of the two-third’s world false beliefs that keep people in poverty—and the Biblical truths that can free them:
False Belief: There is no point in planning to use the money we have for making more money; there is no point in working toward financial goals. These are things we have no control over so it does not matter what we do.
Biblical View: Diligent labor does produce a profit (Prov 10:5) and sowing seed today will lead to a reward tomorrow (2 Cor 9:6-15).
Note: While this may seem obvious to westerners, many people in two-third’s world countries believe that fate controls their destiny and it does not matter how hard they work or plan. This is a key stronghold that must be broken!
False Belief: My family is naturally poor, so I cannot overcome that.
Biblical View: God desires to lift and bless His people (Deut 6:6-20). He raises the poor to sit with princes (Psalm 113:7-8).
Note: This is also a key stronghold for many people raised in poverty. It does make me wonder if we, as westerners, also sometimes limit God because of our own expectations of what He wants to do (or not do).
False Belief: It’s better to be stingy than generous. When we give, we lose.
Biblical View: Y’all know what Scripture says here. This false belief view is worldwide!
False Belief: I must have help from someone else (often westerners) before I can do anything that will benefit my family economically.
Biblical View: God gives each of us the ability to steward what we have and, as we ask God to help and lead, He will show us ways to improve ourselves (Job 34:28).
False Belief: If God’s will is for me to have more money, then it will happen by doing nothing except exercising faith.
Biblical View: Faith without works is dead…
False Belief: Being poor is very spiritual and riches will lead us away from God.
Biblical View: God loves the poor but despises the degradation and hopelessness that comes from extreme poverty. This is why Scripture is so filled with promises for those who help the poor (Psalm 41:1-3))
As I mentioned, this whole study has caused me to look at the attitudes toward money in my own culture and reflect on what holds us back at times. I’m sure each of us could think of a number of false beliefs that hold us back from being those that God can use to bless others through.
For example, how about this one:
False Belief: Money exists primarily so that I can consume more—buy more or bigger things—and I will be happy when I have the ability to have whatever it is I want.
Biblical View: God wants to bless me with the ability to provide well for my family, live simply, and enjoy the happiness of abundant generosity.
Okay, I’m just giving this a stab. I would LOVE to hear other’s thoughts on how we can find greater freedom, financially, by getting a hold of true, Biblical revelation around money, finances, and our attitudes toward them.
Comment here!
Appreciate your prayers as we work on the implementation of this new curriculum designed to empower disciples who are trapped in poverty!