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Are You an SRB?

Ha.  Yes, that's an "R" not an "O" Brooks was writing some praying friends here at home about how much it means to have people praying when we are on the field.  The space shuttle came to mind (who would have thought), so she looked up how that incredible rocket works. She learned this:
  • There is the orbiter (usually called the Shuttle) -- which is the airplane looking thing that the astronauts are in and which goes into space and returns.
  • And there are the Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) -- the two pointed white tubular rockets of each side during launch and dropped off after launch.  Without these the shuttle doesn't fly!
The point is that BOTH are essential, thus my heartfelt appreciation to you SRBs.  No, really!  I absolutely know that everything we do overseas takes place in the context of a community--a family of faith-filled, believing people focused on seeing God glorified among the needy.

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