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Why Are We All Here??

“We are here for ONE reason only! Because of Jesus Christ,” declared the Burundians! Jesus changed their lives and now is changing lives through their testimonies and sharing of the Gospel. Check out just a few of the folks we met while we’ve been in Bujumbura, Burundi.


“God did a wonderful thing in my life. I sinned very bad and it took me down. I was put in jail and was to be there for 30 years. While I was there I remembered something a disciple of Jesus had told me. I remembered about Paul in prison and how God released him. I had been such a drunkard and done many bad things. I had to give those things up in prison, but still I had no peace. So, I began to pray because my family is very poor and they could not help me or even bring me food to eat. I looked to and believed in Jesus as the only one who could save me and I began to feel real peace and even hope. My mother went to a witch, but I refused the things she offered me, because I believed that Jesus was the one who would get me out. I was taken to the court and explained my cause. I want to tell you that Jesus loves sinners. I thank God because He is the one who forgives me. And, also, I praise him today because He is the one who got me released from that place after only three months. Today I want to tell others about God. Why? Because He loves me and He loves them so much!”

new believer
“I am a new Believer. Before I met Jesus, I didn’t love people. I was a drunkard and a woman living in sin. I was a liar. But then someone came and told me that God loves me and they taught me about who Jesus is. I learned about love. Today I am so happy and I am free from the past. The Lord has helped me so much that I want to tell others about Him. I share the Good News with many people. Even people who knew me before, they have watched my life change because of God’s love. Even my mom and some of my family who know me very well, now they are Believers because of my testimony. I am living well and at peace now. I go to the villages way up in the hills to tell as many as I can about God and his love for them. Jesus causes my face to shine!”

circle of men
Typical circle of men drinking home-brewed alcohol. (taken in Uganda)

Aaron today!

“Jesus has changed my life. You can see because I have even cut off all of my hair!” This was one man’s testimony as Dominique told us about the day he went up into the Burundian hills to share his faith. There he met a drunkard with wild, long hair hoeing in his field. He approached him and said, “Your crop looks like it will bring a good harvest.” And, Aaron replied, “Yes, and we thank the Lord for that.” Then Dominique asked, “Oh! Do you know the Lord?” Aaron had replied that no, he didn’t believe in the Lord or God or anything, but he did invite the stranger home with him where they talked about life. Dominique told him many things about God and his love and how He wanted him to receive His peace. Aaron had been a life-long drunkard and spent all of his time with the men making and drinking the homebrew. But, that day, because Dominique loves his people so much and was willing to go, Aaron was able to touch and see and know that God’s love is real. Aaron asked for forgiveness and freedom from all off his past. His huge toothless smile as he tells his story is testimony enough to know his life has changed. And, because of his changed life, especially with those who knew him before, many in his family and village have become Believers.

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