I (Roger) am heading off to Indonesia for nine days to do strategic planning with an international mission organization.
While we trust God for some significant fruit from this effort, the trip will not lend itself to:
- Great photos (many people we will be working with live in secure areas of the world and don’t want their photos posted).
- Heart-tugging stories of people’s lives transformed (though that is always the end result of greater fruitfulness from leaders such as these).
- Stories-from-the-heart by Brooks (she remains at home this trip while I travel with a co-facilitating partner, Jack Herlihy).
Still, your prayers are appreciated and I will keep you posted on anything that might be of interest.
If you did not get the word, and want to be more involved in prayer for this specific project, your individual sign up is required here.
As a side note, the volcanic Mt. Kelud, near where we are going, erupted on Feb. 13. We are trusting that, having spewed its fire, it will now behave calmly for enough time to get us in and out of there!
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