“For example…
“One day we went very far. The Holy Spirit was leading us. We went to a place where the lady welcomed us very well. She was a woman of God but she was only pretending because she had a very confused gospel, which is very common here in Africa. I know this because people would come from far to see her and she would require money from them. When we were there and talking, the spirits that were coming from her began to scream and do many things, especially when we prayed. I told you before, people in our place have learned a different kind of gospel. They require from people to bring a cow or bring some chickens, but for the true gospel, you don’t need to bring anything. It is God who is doing the giving. This gospel we preach is simple. It is the message that God loves you. Up til now, I can tell you that lady has received the true gospel, she is making disciples by using Discovery Bible Study. She is doing some work and no longer asking people for money. She started inside her own home and she is doing very well.” - Irenie, Uganda
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