One of the themes that I am hearing in Singapore (where I am meeting with other trainer/coaches) is that it is becoming “normal” to talk about church movements in parts of the world where only a few years ago these areas were considered “hard soil.”
Just one example: several areas of Southeast Asia that are largely Muslim by culture with little spiritual fruit for years, are now seeing the beginnings of significant church planting movements.
As we pasted sheets of paper on the wall containing various parts of the world with lists of new, God-initiated church planting movements, it became apparent that this example was being repeated over and over throughout the earth. Formerly “hard soil” is becoming fruitful, fertile soft loam that is giving birth to the power and love of the Gospel.
“Astonishment,” would be the best word I could use. Most of us were astonished to see that God has been significantly increasing his activity throughout the world. Sure, this is not the kind of thing that one sees on T.V. headlines, but it is certainly a fact that God is stirring (Aslan is on the move) in far greater ways than many of us imagine.
It makes me wonder how much he is working in all of our contexts that we are not yet seeing. It makes me wonder how much he is at work in our neighborhoods and workplaces where we have discounted the people around us as being “unreceptive to spiritual things.” Perhaps our own limited vision and past expectations of disinterest are keeping us from seeing how powerfully God is stirring the hearts and lives of people that we are around everyday.
This brings me back to Wilkerson’s book (Seven Keys to a Life of Predictable Miracles) where he says:
“God is constantly at work in supernatural ways in our world, and He has much He wants to get done. God is actively looking for loyal partners—people who consistently care about what He cares about. God is regularly nudging people to respond, but most people miss His intentions or simply say no… I view every person I meet as a potential miracle opportunity, no matter how surprised or unprepared I feel.”
Perhaps God’s activity is on the increase and we only need to change the lenses of our thinking to see this and be involved more regularly with him.
Singapore, by the way, is a beautiful city (pictured)!
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