(Previously shared on Facebook—so you may have already seen it!)
I was so tired after two straight days and nights of travel that I left my shoulder bag on the luggage cart while shoving the other suitcases into the taxi. It was Nairobi. It was raining. And the travel bag contained my laptop, iPad, travel medicine docs, and $2,500 in cash.
I tiredly pulled my car door shut without a thought except getting to a place to lie down. That is when the miracle happened.
The young man, who could have easily walked off with the bag had he been inclined to, knocked on my window. I actually ignored him thinking he was another street vendor trying to sell me something. Just before we pulled off he appeared again at my window holding up my bag. Oh my gosh! What a God-send, what a blessing, what a grace from God, and what a gracious young man!
I thank God that, though there are many needs, problems, divisions, challenges, and cruelties, the world everywhere is filled with people like this!
Pictured is not my cart, but the blue and red bag is exactly where I left my own bag as I jumped in the car!
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