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Seeds that Bear Fruit and a Healing

Two years ago, Josue jumped on the back of motor scooter for a several hour ride from Goma (Eastern Congo) to a southern village Makobola. He heard that our training was taking place and he wanted to be there.

A few months later, Josue took his family and fled to Uganda when the rebels took over Goma. However, he had planted the seeds of church planting in two other young men, Etienne and Oyelo, who remained in Goma and carried the vision.

This past week, we saw the fruit of this as we met with this emerging team in Goma for the first time.

We told them to bring only leaders who have started more than one church so that we could encourage the most fruitful leaders. They brought 20 men and women!

What a joy to look around and see a harvest that started with one persistent man just a couple of short years ago!

Amazing how God works! When Josue first showed up by motorbike two years ago, my own skepticism naturally kicked in: "Well, he's so far away, who will support him?" "Will he really know enough to get started?" "Can anything good come from that troubled city of Goma?" But God always knows what He's doing despite our doubts and worries. He is, truly, so good!

A Story of Healing

JoyceOne woman, Joyce, described how God worked a miracle for a neighbor as they reached out to her:

We learned of a woman who had been sick for some time so we went to visit her. She was Catholic, by religion, who did a lot of good works for people in need, ministering to orphans, etc. But she was not born again. She did not know a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Because of her sickness she had not been able to work.

I began working with her to understand the Word of God and to see how much God loved her and wanted her to know Him personally. She gave her life to Christ and also received the Holy Spirit during that time. As soon as this happened, God completely healed her. Today, she is so happy and she has a desire to reach out to her entire church and neighbors.

Seeds are sprouting thanks to all of you!

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