Brooks and I just completed a week training a missionary team in China. The details of this team and their mission organization are withheld for security reasons.
But we are reminded just how privileged we are to be involved in God’s work throughout the nations in this day and age. The face of missions has shifted in the last decade in several key ways and it is wonderful to see newer missionaries receive training that reflects this shift:
- Missionaries are not taking their own culture, and not even their church culture, into new places. God’s work is meant to be expressed uniquely and beautifully through each culture it encounters as its seed takes root within that people.
- National workers take on leadership quickly. Outside missionaries do not have to remain in one place, full time, for extended periods of time. Rather, nationals are entrusted quickly to build and sustain God’s work.
- The message and power of the life-changing Gospel can reproduce and become a movement quickly. Unreached groups of people throughout the world are bound up in so much oppression, superstition, mindsets of poverty, and hopelessness. The Gospel is needed like no other time in history! To see the power of this Gospel unleashed among a world of over 7 billion people, it must become the simple, viral movement that Jesus initiated. Newer missionaries are receiving training in starting these types of movements!
What a great time to be involved in the nations.
How blessed we are to have friends like you traveling with us and sustaining all we do!
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