We had such a great time in Kakamega, actually wayyyyyyy outside of Kakamega on a red, rough, dirt and bumpy road. After being on the highway, which has a billion potholes and is like going through an obstacle course, swerving and bumping all the way so one has few brains that have not slipped out of your head by the end of the journey!!! We had to leave our car behind for part of this trip and get out and walk just because the road was so rough, with so many huge rocks and drainage ditches due to all the rain. The experience with church planting training and also having time with the women was fun, exciting, inspiring and educational!!!
We journeyed over to Kitale yesterday afternoon and are so glad to be “home”. Even a couple of the guys at our little hotel here greeted us with handshakes and kisses!!! We have our same room, so I’m familiar with how the shower works (or doesn’t work) and thank God, there is still a seat on the toilet. Unfortunately, the water is still cold, but small price to pay when one thinks about all of the women and children who are going to the river today just to get a jug of water for their household drinking, cooking and washing. There’s nothing like a good adventure “up-country”, to put life in perspective.
The photos I have attached are pretty self-explanatory. The house you see is where we met all day....except when I had time with the women when we walked a distance down to a widow’s home which looked pretty much the same ( a mud house). That’s where the cooking and washing happened...also pictured. A little tight to say the least with sights and smells to match.

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