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I Wanted to Run Away From This Training

I can honestly say that last week’s leadership training was one of the most remarkable in terms of people quickly grasping new concepts.  God seems to be accelerating his process of raising up new church planters! Nothing illustrates this better than two new friends from Kisii, Kenya who confessed that they wanted to run away after the first day of the conference.  They had come, by faith, with no extra funds in their pockets to get home.  They had come expecting us to help them learn how to build their traditional church buildings and programs.  Instead, they found themselves in a training for simple church planting and church planting movements. One of them, Joseph, explained it this way:

“There is a divine purpose as to why [this training] came at this time.  Truly, I wanted to run away after the first day, but I would NOT have received the good news that I got which transformed my life.  In fact, I would have left the meeting but lack of funds for transportation home kept me back.  In fact, in God’s plan, it truly was my time for this.  Just as Jonah wanted to run away and not go to Ninevah but God FORCED him to. This is my lovely testimony!

I can now honestly say thank you for the teachings that you gave.  We are happy that we received this good news that is transforming our homes and ministries.

We wish you all the best and appreciate your words of encouragement.”

We so appreciate the support from home that made this conference possible.  We saw similar responses from leaders who came from Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda which, again, has underscored how God seems to be moving more quickly than ever in raising up new leaders to bring hope to Africa!

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