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God Movements – Out of Control

At the heart of God Movements are the stories of changed lives:

  • A prostitute who becomes a fruitful church planter
  • A drunkard whom God is now using to set many people free
  • A former Muslim sheikh who is transforming lives with the love of Christ

But there are other words that national leaders use to describe these movements which they help facilitate:

  • Out-of-control – meaning that they cannot be directed by man’s programs or organizational charts
  • Belonging to God – one person and one organization cannot take credit for what is happening
  • Holy Spirit led – beyond the plans of people

Here is Bahizi trying to provide a picture of the God movement taking place in Burundi showing disciples making disciples down to the 17th generation in one case. Exciting to see!

Bahizi explaining map of God movement

This was shared by Bahizi at the Disciple Making Movement Practitioners conference in Rwanda where 60 people gathered to learn from 8 different African presenters and trainers (along with us).

Women challenged and equipped all of the church planters with a special encouragement to other women.

Worship was plentiful and full of energy as always!

And those who were new to church planting had the opportunity to go out in the field and experience house church, their love for God's word, and their determination to continue reaching and discipling others.

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