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Firing Up the T Blog

We have been slow at getting the travel blog started because we had to hit the ground running in Malta. We will do our best to catch you up over the next couple of weeks.

Because we co-hosted this conference for church planters, we had much to coordinate the moment we arrived:

  • 25 people arriving from 15 different countries by air
  • Transportation from the airport to the conference grounds
  • Getting the leaders oriented and introduced to one another
  • Setting up the conference rooms, schedule, and program, etc., etc.

And THEN we headed into five full days of facilitating sessions of sharing, teaching, hearing stories from the field, personal coaching, and much more.

BUT, it has been an AWESOME time with these church planters who are working in areas as far away as remote islands in Mozambique, to Palestine, to Thailand, to Bangladesh, to Pakistan, etc.

Stay tuned for stories that we will share though pictures are scarce due to security issues for the participants.

As a side note, the history of this island is amazing. For starters, consider that Paul was shipwrecked and imprisoned here which was the start of 2,000 years of church growth here. Also, the island’s coastline is stunning. I captured a sunset where we were dining bbq-style and worshiping together one evening.

Malta's churches are still filled with worshipers on Sunday morning unlike most of Europe.

Sunset in Malta:

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