We don’t get to go into the villages much any more, leaving first level trainings to national leaders, but after last year visiting Karen in her home I was very anxious to have time specifically with her and her house church leaders, all women.
Karen and her husband Samson live in Samson’s family’s compound. His grandfather lived here, his very old dad still lives here and Samson and Karen live here, along with brothers and their families. There are five homes on the compound. They make use of every square inch of ground, for raising 8 kids and raising crops.

Samson learned about DMM about 2 years ago. When he did, he gave up traveling throughout Kenya showing the Jesus Film to be able to stay at home with his family and begin to reach his neighbors through simple house church planting. His vision is big. His family is committed. Everything they do is centered around Jesus Christ. Every thought they have is, “How can we further the Kingdom of God.” Check out the map below and their vision to reach 1,000,000 people in 10 years by the power of multiplication. To date, they are on target!

Karen spends most mornings getting up early to make mendazi (a donut like cake that Kenyan’s love to eat with their morning African tea—half milk, half black tea). Why? Because she has no transportation. She tells me that in order to share the love of God with others she must have transport fees for motorcycle rides or matatus (small mini vans) to reach those people.

Running to borrow enough chairs for all of us, Samson brought us over to sit with a very eager group of 20 women. He told me that each of those women had started at least three simple churches in their area. As we got to know them, it was obvious that Karen, their discipler, had not only discipled them well, but they understood very well the principles of disciple-making movements. We had so much fun with these gals!!! As always, we learned way more from them than they probably learned from us!

Most of the gals had baptized new disciples. A few admitted they were scared so Roger invited them to practice with him…pretty impressive they would give it a go…as far as the taboos of women baptizing, not to mention touching a mzungu man!

We loved getting to spend time not only with the workers in the harvest, but especially to see that the DNA is pure. These workers are truly raising up workers out of the harvest who have zeal, tenacity, commitment and passion…that all should know.
Sheri replied on Permalink
These people humble and
These people humble and astound me! May I have the heart for God that they have.
Ronda replied on Permalink
Amazing! So impressive what
Amazing! So impressive what the Lord is doing! Love to hear this Good News! Thanks for sharing :))
Donald Haynes replied on Permalink
This article I was just
This article I was just fortunate to have read. I am truly inspired not only by their effort (Samson and Karen) but by the continual steadfastness of Brooks and yourself. I thank God for the work in which you all are doing for the Kingdom of God and the sacrifices everyone is making. May God's grace be continually pour out upon you all in greater abundance. PS. I would like to send a love offering to Samson and Karen towards their work there. Please let me know what I must do to facilitate this. Love always, Brother D.
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