We are winding up our last day in Thailand. Just had breakfast with some of the folks and had a chance to recount all of the many reasons to celebrate what's been going on the past week.
With the almost 100 missionaries during the larger gathering, even though many got sick, many did not and the sickness was over in 24 hours for those who got it. Cultural shifts within this group are happening at a far greater pace than we realized which was evident throughout the entire week…which means they really are already seeing Greater Fruit and now have stories to share giving others hope that they can do the same. It's so exciting and a huge privilege to get to be part of this intentional and very passionate group.
Now, as they all head home, we ask you to join us in prayer for these busy leaders as they re-enter their lives.
For us, next up is Africa, leaving May 2. We would ask you to pray for the leaders we are working with there as we prepare to gather in Uganda for Story-Telling Training.

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