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Surprised by His Faithfulness

I must confess that I am still often surprised by God’s faithfulness even though it’s who He is at the core.  Since you have begun praying with us last month for John, in Kenya, and Angel, in DR Congo, we have seen many touched in such profound ways:

Mama Giselle and AngleGiselle, from the Congo, was deserted by her husband and had no way to support her children.  She allowed herself to be used by men just so that they would feed her children.  She describes her life as marked by “suffering” for the past 13 years and the question on her heart as been, “Can God forgive me for this?"

As Angel (pictured left) reached out to Giselle through this past month’s training, Giselle discovered a forgiving God along with practical help in farming and small business that has given her the ability to care for the needs of her own family.  She has also found the ability… to smile!

John, training leaders in Kenya, reports, “Immediately after the training, we opened a new house church in one of the areas with some of those who came to the training.” He also said: “We count this training a successful one because we expected 50 leaders but we had more than 100 who attended. Glory be to God who helped us do that. It was not in our own strength but it was God’s strength. Your prayers have been so important!”

She Survived by Selling Herself -- December, 2010

IMG_1747 (Small)You wouldn’t believe some of the stories we hear, but I was especially shocked by the pain that shaped the life of Belline, the administrator of the school/orphanage we sponsor.  She told me:

“I grew up in the slums as an orphan myself and, as a beautiful young girl, men took advantage of me.  I had no one to take care of me, so often the only way I could have some money to survive was to sell myself and allow myself to be abused.  They used me because I was beautiful and vulnerable.”

1,000 Things to be Thankful For -- Nov. 15, 2010

Someone once suggested to me the power of making a list of 1,000 unique things that I am thankful for.

To be honest, that list is still slowly materializing with the obvious things first: God’s grace, my wife, children and grandchildren… 

But right near the top, having just returned home from a stirring time in Africa, I am so very grateful…really…  for you.

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I am grateful that you are making miracles happen in the lives of people who need it the most!

“Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these…”

Max Lucado on Relieving Human Suffering

Africa hungry children272 "God has given this generation, our generation, everything we need to alter the course of human suffering."

From Max Lucado's upcoming book:

"These are devastating times: 1.75 billion people are desperately poor, 1 billion are hungry, millions are trafficked in slavery… And in the five minutes it took you to read these pages, almost ninety children died of preventable diseases… More than half of all Africans do not have access to modern health facilities…

“Ours is the wealthiest generation of Christians ever… We have ample resources… There is enough food on the planet to offer every person twenty-five hundred calories of sustenance a day. We have enough food to feed the hungry…

“The problem is not in the supply; the problem is in the distribution. God has given this generation, our generation, everything we need to alter the course of human suffering.”
