You're Impacting One Child, One Woman, One Leader
We are back to Africa this month where you are helping us impact...
one child, one woman, and one leader at a time!
You're Impacting THIS Child...
Enock is 13-years-old and living with his grandmother as his guardian. He has four siblings who cannot afford to attend school because of the grandmother’s age and lack of income. You are helping us change his life and that of his brothers and sisters as the school’s construction continues and sponsors are found for each one!
You're Impacting THIS Woman... (okay 12 women)...
Twelve new students for the Women’s Center are being selected whom we will meet when we visit. Twelve women who have lived without hope and, often, despairing for how to care for their children. Twelve women whom you are helping us give the opportunity to learn a sewing skill, care for their family, and live with dignity.