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You help us train women to become world-changers

Brooks writes in the travel blog:

The two day conference with women in Kakamega took a huge turn and was undoubtedly Holy Spirit inspired. Much of our time together was to speak into these church planting leaders their worth, importance and value in the discipleship movements in Uganda and Kenya. Although receptive and willing, there is the ongoing belief that “women are the weaker vessel,” so therefore can only do so much or go so far. I’m shocked by this belief as clearly women —typically—are the ones who have the determination, strength, and tenacity to constantly move forward in ministry while caring for their families.

We had barely gotten into our material when it became clear that every single woman in that room was discipling at least one if not many other women, gathering them into simple house churches teaching and sharing with them the Word of God. One woman, Eunice, has TWENTY house churches right now! But, not one of these women had ever baptized even one person.


One woman, Eunice, has twenty house churches right now! But not one of these women had ever baptized one person.


So, the next morning we all trekked down from our meeting place about 20 minutes away to a nearby stream…in the rain…to encourage these women to step into their spiritual authority and be world-changers!

I still don’t know exactly how many were baptized, but I do know that on the trek back while stuffed into a one room, red brick mud house with 20 other women and babies during a huge downpour, one woman told me this:

“I am so encouraged on this day. I have never known I could do these things. We, as Kenyan women, believe that we must always stay behind, always work hard, but do what the man says and we are not allowed certain things. I have two house churches. None of those people have been baptized. I am going back and with those 25 people I will teach them that to obey Jesus they must be baptized and I am the one.” 

"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."


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