(Note: If you are on one of our prayer lists then you have already seen much of this post).

Sadly, our good friend, Steven, who leads the team in DR Congo, lost his 15-year-old son (pictured with his mama, Angel) to some form of blood cancer just two weeks ago.
Seraphin had been sick for several months but seemed to be improving slowly. Sadly, while Steven was with us in Kampala in April he heard that his son’s health was deteriorating. It became apparent that better medical assistance was needed, so Steven left the conference early to do what he could.
I wrote this a couple of weeks ago:
With our (your) help we enabled Steven and Angel to do all that they could do medically for their son given the situation and the location. Steven took him from DR Congo to Burundi and finally Rwanda to try to find the best help available. But to no avail.
I have to be honest in saying that, sometimes, the disparity between what is available to one part of the world (Africa) verses what is available in our part of the world is difficult to wrestle with.
Wonderfully, in the midst of this, Steven's son's last words were: "I know my redeemer lives, dad." My eyes tear up as I write this as I know so well how much this boy loved his God.
Obviously, this trip has been much about sharing whatever strength and comfort to this family as we possibly could. It is wonderful how God Himself finds ways to bring comfort amid such difficult situations. Here is something Steven shared with us that took place just days after his son’s burial. In Steven’s own words:
"There is a neighbor who came to see us she is a burundian, just wanted to see who have entered in a house near to hers, this is last night, Angel [Steven's wife], received her, and started giving stories about Seraphin's sickness and how he would encourage us : "Mamy don't worry, I will be healed and go back to school", but when He died we had many questions.... this lady is not born again, doesn't go to any church around.
she said :"did God lie to you?" Angel,.. said, "no, He was telling me... no body can dye when He is born again, Séraphin my son decided to rest, after being tired with injections and swallowing tabs everyday for almost 4 months.. God wanted to heal him this way.. he is with the Lord..."
then this lady was astonished and was led to christ that very time, Glory to Jesus.. then Angel invited her to be coming for fellowship and bible Discovery study each evening... wow this was encouraging for me, so in everything, God finds HIS part."
Now, just two weeks after the burial, we are with Steven in Malawi. He has pioneered the work here from DR Congo and, though we assured him that we could carry on without him, he did not want to miss the opportunity to encourage the people he has been raising up. Truly, it has not been easy for him, but he was so motivated to see the progress his workers are making and to take part, with us, in training several other mission organizations on disciple making movements. His faith, courage, hope, and (sometimes) strength, has been an inspiration to all of us and all that were at the conference.
Thank you for being with us on these journeys even through the times that are more difficult. We assure Steven and others whom we work with that there are so many people, they will never meet, who are caring and praying for them! This greatly lifts their spirits and hearts as well as our own!

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