Francis, one the of church planters that we worked with in Madagascar a few years ago, was at the conference and shared his vision:
“To see 700 simple/house churches in 7 strategic locations in the next 7 years…
“The northeast part of Madagascar is counted among the least reached places on the world’s third largest island. Due to severe isolation (very damaged roads or no roads at all – 3 days journey for only 150 km), the population is cut off from many things and very few outsiders go there.”
Traveling from the northernmost city of Madagascar first by bus, then walking for three days into the depths of the jungles of Madagascar, even using canoes at times to maneuver the rivers, Jesus-followers passionate to be the Pauls of our day go forth. There are three people groups making up a population of 900,000 living in this region. When they finally come across a cluster of homes, curious villagers sit on logs to greet and listen to their visitors’ stories…stories of a God who loves them and knows them by name. They hear for the first time about the God above all other gods who needs no appeasing to make them happy or to accept and approve of them…the God who created the heavens and the earth, and even holds eternal life for them. Before long they come to accept and want to worship this God. The disciple-makers of Jesus do not inflict their culture on these people. Instead, as the new believers want to worship Him, they respect their ways of acknowledging the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Drums are for placating demons and practicing witchcraft, they say, so no, they dance and sing a new song for the God who does not need or want these kinds of demonstrations. They know He is more powerful than all the things they have worshiped and cowed down to before. These are simple people, simply worshiping a simply Wonderful Loving God.
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