— One Man Impacting His Nation

Simon and I spent a long time together. He told me story after story with great excitement about everything God is doing in his area. I wish I could share his testimony of going from a drunkard living a very promiscuous and demoralizing life to where he is today, but that is for another time. For now, here is just one example of what God is doing through him in only the short 1.5 years that he has been saved:
“In that far place (in Burundi), I live in Village 6. There I met one lady named Maria. That lady had been sick for 8 years. She was very, very thin, but her stomach was very large as if she was 8 months pregnant, but she was 45 years old. She was trying to get help from the doctor. They told her she had (blood) pressure and they even did an exam by x-ray. They told her that’s why the stomach was so big. She also had been many times to the witch doctor who gave her some herbs. She even went to different churches asking for prayer. I’m telling you this lady was very skinny but the stomach was huge.
“That lady invited me into her house and I prayed for her. I told her that God wants to do a miracle for her. We looked at Scripture together. I lay my hands on her and she started crying. She was saying that something was happening in her body. One month later I went back to that area, near my home. When I was in the street, someone touched me from the back. It was that lady who was crying so very hard because of her joy. She started to give many testimonies of what God had done to other people in that community. She started gathering people through two Discovery Bible Studies (DBS). There were two baptisms there whereby 9 people were baptized. Now in Village 6, there are 5 house churches in the small community and 12 DBS going on now. One guy has even gone to Village 3 with the gospel. You know in that area of Village 3 there are only a few people and they drink that local beer which is very strong. There are many drunkards. Today there has been 5 baptisms in Village 3. There are 2 house churches and 6 DBS that are meeting now in that community. We can only praise God!”