It’s amazing to be back with people we have now a long history and so much love for here in East Africa. There have been many tears and much laughter as we have shared together the things that have been happening over the past three years since we’ve been together. Here are a few snippets of some of the things I heard just today:
“Every time I ask things of my God, I see something happen.”
“I see love all around me and this makes me strong.”
“I’m so sick many times, but I continue to look for persons of peace. I can’t stop.”
“I think God is happy when you are serving people. Jesus said, 'When I was hungry, you gave me food.' For me I found some of these women on the side of the road (prostitutes). I told them the Gospel and they received it very well. After that I gave them some money to start and taught them how to do embroidery. Now they make those beautiful cloths and sell them.”
“I also see children, so many children suffering from hunger and so many other things. I began with two small children to give them milk and food. They really started to grow. Now I do this for many children. The children come to eat. You know for $15, I can feed so many children with some porridge and milk or beans and rice. The children live in the slums, but we bring them to come to eat at my place.”
“I see my husband working for God with a team who loves Jesus so much. I love for them to come to my house. We eat, we sing, we pray; we share our lives together.”
“Every Saturday I invite girls from outside (the city). I invite them to the center to learn computer. They are from 15-25 years in age. For them it is the first time they have ever come to town or to see a computer. These girls are forgotten by everyone. I use computer training to be with these girls. It makes me so happy. I take time to do Discovery Bible Study with them by making small groups with them.”
“I need to remain strong and have courage. I want to continue to listen to God and what He is saying to me today and then move forward.”
“This is a journey of always learning.”
“I am Tutsi and my husband is Tutsi. When my husband goes into those upcountry regions to tell people about Jesus, I have so much fear for his life. Those people (Hutus) have been the enemy of our tribe for generations. It is not safe. But my husband never fears; He wants those people to know the love of God, so he goes.”
“You can’t feed the whole world, but if you can feed just one, I know God is very pleased. Our job is to pray for others to come and help to feed them. If everyone refuses to help one, that is terrible; but if you can help even one, that is wonderful.”
“The most important thing you can give to someone is love. Even when they have nothing, this is still the most important thing you can give them. When they feel someone loves them, then they have hope and they believe God will bring them a solution to their problems.”

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