Lest you get the wrong idea, working with leaders from many different nations in one week of training/coaching… well, it’s not always smooth nor easy.
The schedule is LOOOONG. Prayer began each day at 6:45 am and we were in sessions with someone or some group until 8:30 pm or later.
And, things happen. One young man fell down and began convulsing outside the meeting hall. It was unclear what was happening but he was prayed for while being rushed to the hospital. There was nothing medically wrong, but an overnight in the hospital along with prayers allowed him to rest and he is now fully recovered.
Another evening, a leader was taken away by police due to a ‘misunderstanding’ during the night.
Yep, things happen… and the road to progress is not always an easy one.
Yet… as I reflect back on the week, here is what we are celebrating:
- Our guest ‘coach’ Bill Smith affirming that the work taking place in these teams is very effective. They have initiated disciple making movements in an unprecedented manner in this region.
- Many people’s lives have been touched through these teams. I am not one for numbers, but as reports came in from each team, it is probably safe to say that at least 25,000 people collectively are being discipled and trained to disciple others.
- A new team in Tanzania is doing a wonderful work among unreached people groups in the ‘upcountry’ as well as unreached Muslim groups along the coast.
- Many, many wonderful stories of God working in the lives of people through miracles, through the love of these disciples, and simply through the power of God’s Word. See Brooks’ upcoming story.
So, the ‘never easy’ things are well worth it as we see God doing what God does through these teams and through partners like you who walk alongside.
Here are some pictures Brooks took of this past week together with these teams.

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