(Note: the following was written last Friday. We were unable to post earlier because of poor internet connections)
The day before we left town I (Roger) noticed a small welt on my chest that I assumed came from scraping myself while moving furniture the day before. As this past week went on, however, I noticed that the “welt” continued to be a bit painful and was starting to look more like a rash.
Well, some of you have guessed already that this was an early indicator of shingles—a very painful disease that often leaves people nearly disabled for two to four weeks.
But… one week later I have experienced only one day with fairly severe flu symptoms which have mostly passed and nothing more than mild pain. Apparently, this is nothing short of a miracle which can only be attributed to your prayers. Please keep it up! It’s working!
Yesterday we were greeted in Poland and spent the afternoon getting to know a bit about this country that is less than one percent Christian. And the churches that do exist are often connected in an unhealthy dependency to churches from the west that support them. And, they want more. They want to become effective Kingdom-agents for their nation. They have translated and published my book in Polish because they are convinced that they need to see the multiplication of simple churches to fully unleash the Gospel. Today we will begin more formal times of training and encouragement with leaders here and we are full of expectation that God is up to something wonderful in this place.
Thank you so much for standing with us.
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