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Give Away Everything You Receive as Soon as You Receive It

As we work, this week, with an emerging movement of churches in Western Kenya (at least two new churches every month), I am so impressed with how well they are implementing one of the primary keys for seeing faith-filled, reproducing followers (disciples) of Jesus formed.

Everything that new disciples are taught, they are expected to give away to another as soon as possible.

In other words, new believers learn to pour the life of God into others as part of the process of receiving life and truth from Him. What comes in is expected to also go out. This means that:

1. In a short time, new followers are helping still others to become followers of Jesus.


2. Spiritual truth is more fully internalized and sticks better when it is continually given away.

For most of us, including here in Africa, this goes against the grain of what we have learned to do. Generally, we expect people to sit and learn and digest and take in still more before they can be expected to give away to others. Furthermore, we feel that we must have some mastery and special ability to pass something along.

But, these fruitful, multiplying disciples in Africa just do what Jesus said: "Freely you have received… freely give." And it seems to work.

Thank you for joining with us in encouraging these amazing church planters.

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