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What Some of the Women in Kakamega are Saying

"Before I was alone, now I am built up. I socialize with people. When I am disturbed, my brothers and sisters will help me." – Beatrice

"We get together and read the Bible. We pray and sing together. Before I had no courage to be able to pray. I would wait for others to pray for me. Now I am praying for myself, my family and with others." - Carolyn

"I am with a group of other widows. We encourage each other. We share with each other. We counsel with each other and pray so we can be strong. Before I had no money, no friends. I would ask, 'How can I help my life? How can I learn to survive?' My life was filled with worry. Now I know life is not so difficult as I used to think. We stand together with Jesus in the house church and help each other. We learn how to do small businesses to profit ourselves and feed our children." - Janet Wekesa

"We come together and read the Word of God. We allow the Holy Spirit to counsel us through each other with good advice. I can take a loan and I am strong to pay the debt. I sell beans, green leaves and tomatoes and onions." – Beatrice

"I used to stay at home, but members came to my house and told me that I do not have to stay just like that with my five children with nothing to eat. They helped me. I got a loan and learned to do business well. I sell firewood. I used to have a lot of worries, but now together we are helping each other and encouraging each other. I want to rise up even higher so my children will continue to eat, go to school and have a good shelter. Many of our girls drop out of school because of poverty and pregnancy. I want to help them know a different way." – Ezina

"I used to want to just sit alone because I had no hope. Now because of the house church, I am so happy. We pray together, we are able to eat together. We read the Bible together. I feel strong. I am now moving up and I am turning away from evil things. I am not paying the witch doctor any more for things to happen." – Alice

"My daughter-in-law died and my son. I am now with the five children. I had so many problems. I have learned now the power of prayer in the house church. I am a widow and in the house church we join together to pray about these many issues. I have learned farming and now am selling bananas, avocados, onions and these things. I am hoping to expand." – Rose (56 years)

"I am a widow. When I came into the house church I was very distressed and sick. I had many worries and high blood pressure. We were passing through many problems. I have now my daughter's four children and am housing three children from relatives. Now I sit with others. Now I believe that Jesus is able and He can do impossible things. I took the Word of God firm. When I heard that I must forgive those who have hurt me, I took it. When I was able to forgive the ones who have hurt me, it helped me so much. When I'm in trouble I repent, then I feel forgiveness and a lift from being down. I can pray and God answers." – Gladys

"I was in severe darkness, but now I have seen a shining star. Since coming into the house church I have seen a lot of changes in my life. I used to stay alone. I had no friends. I came slowly and was not believing, but it has become a good thing. When I came, I heard the first day and I heard about the love of Jesus Christ. Now I am happy. I am strong. I feel cared about, loved, even when I am far from this place. Because when we come together I am hearing the Word of God. I do not have a Bible, but I take the Word with me and it gives me life. I used to not be stable. It has built me and I am not a victim. The Word of God has given me self respect. When I hear the Word of God, I thank God. I am very proud of God and who He is. I thank him. The house church also helped me so much. I have taken a loan and now am selling cabbage, chickens, and avocadoes. Business is good. The knowledge I have now helps me to expand. I am encouraged to work hard." – Margaret

"I am a widow with five kids. When I say there is change, there is change. My husband died of malaria in his brain. When I was burying my husband, I received news that my mama had also died. It was a very difficult time. My mother-in-law, she has taken me and my kids into her home. We are now like Naomi and Ruth. I have learned in the house church and from the other widows to trust Proverbs and the Word of God to be strong. We share our problems and now we are standing strong. We get to know God very well." - Edith

Some of the women in Kakamega:

Margaret and Beatrice:




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