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The Joy and the Heartache

The joy is the celebration of Jesus across all languages and culture in this YWAM conference.  It’s amazing how connected we feel with one another in worship despite the many differences.  Missionaries are attending this conference from every corner of the globe, from many different backgrounds, sharing one purpose: to know Him and make Him known.  Pictured are Nepalese dancer-worshippers.

The heartache is the real price people are paying to serve Jesus and carry his life and message.  Eight people left one unnamed country to reach out with the love of Jesus to another unnamed country that is currently in great turmoil.  They were arrested and one has already died because of the abuse he was subjected to.  The others remain in custody and little can be done except the constant prayers that are being made on their behalf.  I know you will join us in this.

Even with the heartaches, it is so encouraging to know how the Gospel is changing lives, often unreported, in some of the most remote and dark places on earth.  God is at work!  You are part of that!

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