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Your Words/Scriptures Interact with Our Mission

Pray for AfricaI had just a read a word shared from one of you about how God works through unity and partnerships in the Body of Christ when I went off to meet with a mission leader that we hope to develop a long term relationship with in East Africa. This word prepared me to have a more open heart and to see past differences in order to forge an alliance that could greatly enhance the work we are involved in. At the same time, Brooks happened to read this same word while I was in this very meeting which impacted and informed the way she prayed.

I am simply sharing this example because it demonstrates how much we work as a team, you with us, whether you are praying, sharing words/Scriptures that God gives you, or just staying plugged into our journey.

As you share and/or pray with us, we cannot begin to tell you how often we reflect on these words, how much they encourage and inform our work, and how strongly we sense your prayers. It all matters and it all results in His greater glory as His work is carried on.

Today (Wednesday) we leave for Tanzania. Road trips are always adventurous so your prayers are appreciated. We will be meeting with a completely new group of leaders in a country we have never been to before. How exciting to see what God is up to!

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