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Tanzania: In the 'Zone'

Sometimes you get to feel like you are ‘in the zone’ and everything is flowing.  Other times, you feel like you are swimming against every adversity possible.  Interestingly, in my experience, God works in both situations quite apart from our human experience.

Still, it is nice when ‘the zone’ is working and this is how our trip to Tanzania seemed.

  • The car, that should have broken down for more than one reason (tires, wheel bearings, and who knows what else) just kept on running both to and fro.
  • The border crossing, which included the challenging task of taking a Kenyan car into Tanzania went smoothly.   It helps to know the right people to work with who grease the right palms as this is the only way the system works.
  • The people we met with to train came ready to learn and implement.  This is in no small thanks to our team leader and the Tanzanian coordinator who did a great job of getting the right people in the right place. It was such a joy to pour into people who were both hungry and ready to run with multiplying disciples and starting churches.  One man said, “We have been slowed down by our own ignorance, but are ready to move now.  When you visit us next time you will see the results.”
  • The lodging was adequate with no real hitches.  Alright, so the internet worked in the morning but not in the evening, but hey, 50% is pretty good in this part of the world.  Oh, and hot water worked at about the same ratio, but again, good enuff!
  • Food was decent.  Since it was near the lake we had lots of Talapia to eat.  We returned to Kenya healthy and ready for this week’s meetings in Kakamega.

I hope you don’t mind if I ask for prayer that ‘the zone’ continues.  It makes it so much more enjoyable—from a selfish point of you.  And, of course, what really matters is that you are standing with us that God’s purposes be completed!

Samuel and his wife, coordinators in Tanzania:


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