At our second day of training in Bujumbura, Burundi, I was introduced to two young men who had been sitting attentively from day one. They appeared to be like any of the other twenty-something young guys that were there: full of life and enthusiasm for serving God.
“I want you to meet these guys,” our Burundian team leader told me. “Both of them were rebel soldiers when one of our church planters went out to their remote area and shared the Gospel with them. They were one of the first people baptized in that region (pictured).
Both of these young men had infectious smiles and wide-open faces allowing you to see a deep peace and joy. I found it very difficult to imagine that these guys were the type of soldiers that had committed the kinds of atrocities we read about in those areas. Rebel soldiers are known for the terror and intimidation that they use to take what they want and to cause unspeakable harm.
But Jesus got hold of these two and gave them the kind of new life that only He can give. I could not even see a shadow of their past, just the glow of their new life.
“They go out into the same areas where they terrorized people to let people see how they have changed, and others are amazed by what God has done in their lives. They are now influencing many for Christ and have begun planting churches themselves.”
As we wrap up the first half of our Burundi training I have to tell you, there is nothing like being around people whose lives have been radically, thoroughly, and irrevocably turned inside-out by God’s amazing power.
You support this kind of life-change and you provide us with the opportunity to see and feel it!
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