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You care for children during pandemic

When Kenya closed schools it meant that all children from Liberty School in the rural town of Bikeke must return to their homes. The problem? They are forced to live in the homes of guardians who are not able to meet their basic needs. The solution? You helped us organize an all-out program in coordination with the school staff to get food supplies to dozens of families of the most vulnerable children.

“They washed our feet!”

washing feet
“Insisting we sit, they told us that this was how they wanted to express their love for those who had come to the Banjuri people, not to get something from them, but to tell them about God and his love for them, a message they had never before heard!”

John, the Kenyan team leader, along with several others had traveled a very long distance from western Kenya to the heavily populated Muslim coastal region to check on a new church planting work they had begun a couple of years ago.

No Believer Had Ever Come to this Home

“We visited a 68-year-old woman who had a son with a mental problem.… No group of believers had ever visited this family.”

Though we have just arrived in Africa, this story (following) was shared with us by Solomon, a new leader from Zambia, who has been receiving online training for the last three months. Because of his progress, we will meet with him next week in Rwanda where he will receive intensive hands-on training from African leaders. He so appreciates what he has received so far:

Water filters + the Gospel = village transformed!

“In Bubanza a drunkard became a storyteller and then he went to the witch doctor and now that old man has become a church planter and even now the whole village has embraced the Gospel.”

Your gift of water filters and clean water was the catalyst! They often use water filters as a way to show the love of Jesus to those suffering from sickness due to the polluted water carried from the river for drinking, washing, and cooking.

water filters
